MODIS sinusoidal grid download

MODIS sinusoidal grid download

In Chapter 11 we pointed to the MODIS grid “to identify our tile, we use a shapefile with the MODIS tile system (, MODIS Sinusoidal GIS SHAPE files) and overlay it onto our study area (Figure 11.3). This shows...
book finally in store

book finally in store

Our book “Remote Sensing and GIS for Ecologists – Using Open Source software” is now available. First copies arrived and it looks pretty good. Great to have finally a copy on our desks after all the writing, testing and editing! We hope that you enjoy it as much as we...
updated RStoolbox version 0.1.4

updated RStoolbox version 0.1.4

The RStoolbox R package has been updated after some testing in courses and by colleagues. Please update your package using update.packages() or install the RStoolbox again. New functions are: new function `validateMap()` for assessing map accuracy separately from...
First copies arrived

First copies arrived

The first copy of our book arrived today and it looks pretty good. Great to have finally a copy on our desks after all the writing, testing and editing! We hope that you enjoy it as much as we do and that it helps you to work with remote sensing and GIS in your...
Updated graphics for Change Vector Analysis

Updated graphics for Change Vector Analysis

We explained in Chapter 9 among other change detection methods also the change vector analysis practically using the rasterCVA() command in the RStoolbox package, as well as outlined the approach graphically. During my last lecture on temporal and spatial remote...